Bus From Manistique, MI To Chippewa, MI

View bus schedules from Manistique, MI to Chippewa, MI
Schedule IT 50
3:40 AM
MNSQ | Manistique
1038 West Us-2
Manistique, MI 49854
Schedule IT 50
5:10 AM
STCR | Strongs Corner
Strong's Corner
29322 West M-28
Strongs Corner, MI 49728
3:40 AM - 5:10 AM
Schedule IT 50

1038 West Us-2
Strong's Corner
29322 West M-28

1h 30m (0 transfers)


MNSQ | Manistique
1038 West Us-2
Manistique, MI 49854
Depart: 3:40 AM
IT 50
Indian Trails
Engadine, MI
Arrive: 4:25 AM Depart: 4:25 AM
Newberry, MI
Arrive: 4:45 AM Depart: 4:45 AM
STCR | Strongs Corner
29322 West M-28
Strongs Corner, MI 49728
Arrive: 5:10 AM

Itinerary - Please note that all times displayed are in local time.